Many people are juggling one too many bills already, so when a pet becomes ill or is injured, some pet owners are forced to cut corners or hold off on care.
The good news is that there are effective ways to save money and reduce costs while providing stellar care for your fur baby. If that’s not enough, here is a list of ways a cash-strapped pet owner could raise funds for higher veterinary costs.
- Getting pet insurance may not help if the surgery or treatment is already in motion, but insurance plans for pets can cover the cost of emergencies or other major medical procedures. However, it is advisable to do some research first on each company in advance, since not all providers may be appropriate for you and your pet’s needs.
- Asking for payment options may be a viable option with some veterinarians, especially independent or small hospitals that you have a long-standing relationship with. In most cases, it’s hard for clinics to accommodate this, but it never hurts to ask if they will consider payments, depending on the procedure. Many clinics also have annual wellness plans, which are affordable and allow you to pay monthly for basic care needs like checkups and vaccinations.
- With the popularity of social media and sites like Go Fund Me and You Caring, many people have considered crowdfunding, electing to raise funds to help with veterinary bills, upcoming surgeries, and other necessary procedures. Many friends and family are quick to come to the aid of a loved one, and some will be willing to help your pet.
- You can also opt to use free or low-cost clinics. This may not always be ideal, but several low-cost clinics will perform spay/neuter surgeries, as well as provide primary care at a reduced fee, such as your local humane society.
- If you have the opportunity, you can start a pet savings account to set aside a little each month exclusively for a pet emergency. Given the fact that almost every pet experiences an emergency in their lifetime, saving for a rainy day can be the difference between not being able to get your pet the help they need.
- Looking into nonprofits and foundations that you can source online may provide emergency assistance for pets with critical needs. Some focus nationwide, while others focus on a particular state, fantastic examples are the Angels for Animals, Face Foundation, Help a Pet and Pet Fund.
An unfortunate reality is that, even with the best of care, a veterinary emergency or unexpected critical need may still arise with a pet. The best course of action to take so that you’re always prepared and won’t be taken by surprise is to do research and find the most appropriate pet insurance company that will work best for you and your pet.
For more information regarding pet insurance, or if you’d like to get in touch with pet insurance providers for quotes, visit our list of the top-rated pet insurance companies.