The Nespresso Vertuo Machine is continually evolving the way you drink espresso and coffee. It delivers freshly brewed coffee with crema as well as delicious, authentic Espresso, it also conveniently makes two cup sizes at the touch of a button. To quickly make your coffee, it uses two different capsule sizes: a large capsule for coffee and a small one for espresso. Now you can have your coffee exactly how you do at the shops.
The Vertuo coffee maker delivers a perfect cup of coffee time after time, thanks to the patented extraction technology developed by Nespresso. Vertuo uses an intelligent extraction system that recognizes each Grand Cru blend. With the Nespresso Vertuo Machine, you can now enjoy a lovely cup of coffee at the comfort of your home, without ever needing to go to a coffeehouse again.
Our review of the Nespresso Vertuo Machine put this espresso machine through its paces. Let’s take a look at some of the best features of the Nespresso Vertuo Machine…
Elegant Taste: The Nespresso Vertuo Machine produces coffee for five different cup sizes: Alto Coffee (14 oz), Coffee (8 oz), Gran Lungo (5 oz), Double Espresso (2.7 oz) and Espresso (1.35 oz) with various flavors placed in capsules. Each capsule provides the finest roast and ground coffee sealed in a single-serve portion for optimal freshness. This capsule system delivers exceptional taste and unique aromas thanks to the preparation of high-quality coffees. Vertuo offers 16 freshly brewed coffees and ten authentic espressos, each with varying intensity and flavor.
Centrifusion Technology: Vertuo coffee makers use a patented extraction technology developed by Nespresso known as Centrifusion. This system requires little effort to make a coffee, insert a capsule, and close the lever. When activated, the capsule spins up to 7,000 rotations per minute, blending ground coffee with water and producing the perfect crema to enjoy your favorite freshly brewed coffee or authentic espresso. And thanks to this technology, you can now brew the perfect single serve coffee or espresso drink time after time, as this coffee maker uses barcodes to deliver the best in-cup results.
Intelligent Features: This espresso machine uses a smart extraction system that recognizes each Grand Cru blend. Thanks to a barcode on the rim of the capsule, the brewing parameters are adjusted by the machine and makes the proper coffee without the need to change settings. This delivers the best in-cup result for your chosen variety – all at the touch of a button. With its one-touch capabilities, the capsule is automatically ejected after brewing, after only 15-20 seconds of pre-heating time.
Complete Package: The Nespresso by Breville Vertuo Machine includes a welcome set with 12 Nespresso Vertuo capsules containing individual aromas. A total of 26 incomparable Nespresso coffee experiences are available, each carefully balanced and roasted to bring out its unique flavor profile. Also included in the package is the Aeroccino 3 milk frother, to create the perfect finish to your single serve coffee beverages such as cappuccino or latte. There is also an instruction booklet and an information folder with your purchase to make the most out of your new espresso machine.
The Nespresso Vertuo Machine puts it’s best foot forward towards making the best espresso within our homes. And while it succeeds in giving the quality coffee — being creamy frothy we want in the morning — it completely fails in one aspect that just can’t be ignored.
One massive part of the equation this product that overlooked is its ability to heat coffee and to give a perfectly hot cup when needed. At its worst, it delivers a warm cup, which needs to be microwaved to reach the right temperature. But this only leads to a flat-tasting coffee that defeats the purpose of the capsules that give out such great tasting flavors.
While it makes beautiful, smooth coffee that comes in delicious flavors, the Nespresso Vertuo Machine is let down by its negligence towards temperature control and disappoints customers with water that’s not even lukewarm. However, if the manufacturers get around to fixing this issue, then we are going to be in the presence of truly amazing coffee.
In conclusion, the Nespresso Vertuo Machine would have been the perfect espresso buddy, if it took the chance to look over its product before release. By missing out on perfecting such a critical part of coffee making, it missed out on the opportunity of being the best thing in our kitchens. It came close to achieving perfection and becoming the only coffee-related appliance that we would ever need but narrowly missed that chance.
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